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Image by Brett Jordan


Counseling: What We Do

Many people in our own neighborhoods are struggling to make it through each day.  People struggle in their marraiges, their jobs, with unemployment, their family-life balance, their faith ... in every aspect of their lives.  Our role is to provide support and tools to help individuals, families, & marraiges find healing and hope.  ​

Jose as a Reverend and with the training of Prepare Enrich has been focused in helping families from their core.  His heart is to begin with encouraging individuals and couples to help them form stronger and healthier families.

Also as a person that has served in various roles in Missions (from leadership to pastoral work to kitchen service and other areas) Jose has seen a great need for encouragement in the hearts and lives of missionaries.   There is often much hurt, lonliness, and lack of emotional support for missionaires on the field, so Jose works to be provide a listening ear, encouraging words and a loving heart to individuals and couples in Misisonary service.

Happy Team Posing


Counseling: Programs

Pre-Marital and
Marital Counseling

Using the training Jose recieved through the Prepare and Enrich marital inventory program Jose is able to provide bilingual pre-marital and marital counseling sessions to couples considering marraige, or who are in need of support.  Our goal is to provide couples with tools that can help them strengthen their marraige and family ... especially families in ministry.

Women Holding Hands

Men's Discipleship & Mentoring

Men today are in need of a community of support than can help provide encouragement, accountability, and brotherly love.  Jose is participating in various Men's groups (both online and in-person) in order to strengthen others and be strengthened.


Ministry Development Training

Young people entering Missions and Ministry are in need of support and counsel to help them develop a plan for and a lifestyle of service.  Using tools Jose has learned as an ordained minister with International Ministerial Fellowship and his background of leadership in YWAM, teen challenge and through leading many overseas missionary teams Jose is serving as a mentor to missionary families in various locations.  His goal is to see others find direction in all aspects of their lives: practical, relational & ministerial.  And to get the tools needed to reach both their personal & ministry goals.

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